• Question: What did you get in your GCSE science?

    Asked by anon-197822 to Matthew, Atreya on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Matthew Selwood

      Matthew Selwood answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      I can’t actually remember… It was a mix of A* and A, with more A*… Possibly all A*…? Honestly, if you carry on to A level, and do well there, it doesn’t overly matter (despite what your school say!). No one asks me for my GCSE results any more now I have a degree

    • Photo: Atreya Acharyya

      Atreya Acharyya answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      did alright I think. But as Matthew says GCSE results are a distant memory and when all of you guys will go on to do exceptional things in the future no one will even ask.
      Still try your best though and all the best from me.
